Demi-Cube Glass Lift ID Lantern

The Demi-Cube is a glass lift ID hall lantern available in frosted glass, black glass and white glass. Intended for use in conjunction with destination control systems, it offers clear lines, clear visuals and a flush-to-wall mounting.

The Demi-Cube is manufactured entirely from low iron glass that gives a luxurious velvety surface finish for a diffuse glow in operation and a soft, plush appearance when unlit. The glass is toughened providing a more robust and safer product.


Key Features


The Demi-Cube is designed with versatility in mind. It offers the option to have customised legends, including company logos or custom graphics, in a choice of three glass finishes, illumination is achieved through a replaceable LED assembly.


Mounting the Demi-Cube to a wall is simplicity in itself. Two screws hold the mounting bracket to the wall and a clearance hole allows cable routing into the wall. The glass lantern is held by a single screw which when undone, allows the glass to be slid off its bracket. The LED assembly and gong (if purchased) are mounted onto the wall bracket and are easy to remove.

All internal disconnects are screwless.

The Demi-Cube is offered with or without gong, with glass options of black, white or frosted.

With black or white variants the legends illuminate and there are legend illumination colour options of white, red, green or blue.

With the frosted glass variant, the whole unit illuminates and legends are either stainless steel or brass.

Illumination colour options for the frosted unit are white, red, green or blue.


The following diagram provides basic dimensions for the Demi-Cube. It is not
a specification and the details may change without notification. For up-to-date information please contact Dewhurst.

  • The legend height shown is for reference and applicable to standard legends only.
  • Max characters per glass face : 2
  • Vn = 24V; Imax = 100mA
  • Available with or without gong.

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